Updated On | 18,November 2022
College A: Accredited Institution
College B: Non-accredited Institution
If you ask a group of individuals which college they want to study out of the two, the majority of them would prefer the College ‘A’!
An educational institution’s “Accreditation” status is most of the times considered as the prime criteria for a student to take admission. When an institution holds accreditation from a reputed agency such as NBA/NAAC, it reflects that the educational institute stands for adherence to the highest educational standard. Therefore, individuals prefer such institutions over non-accredited. However, every accreditation agency has its own checklist of parameters which the institution needs to follow in order to get successfully accredited.
Earlier, the accreditation bodies such as NAAC/NBA used to collect hard copies of reports related to administration, library, admission, etc. But now soft copies of all kinds of reports are required to be submitted by the college online. Institutions need to maintain a detailed record of data & institutional information of several past years and keep a tab on every ongoing-operation in the institution to prepare accurate evaluation reports. Certainly the accreditation processes are quality inspired, as these bodies give quality assurance the maximum weightage.
Managing heaps of institutional data for getting accredited requires tremendous efforts & time. Relying on manual documentation & resources might not be convenient and accurate. Digitalization is the ultimate requirement of today’s time that we are living in. A College ERP System can help institutions streamline their work-processes & manage detailed data of entire institution by compiling the key information such as-
- Academic Details
- Students, Alumni & Faculty Information
- Infrastructure & Learning Resources
- Campus Extension Activities
- Finance
- Management & Governance
- Feedback System
- OBE - Outcome Based Education
College is asked to provide all the required details without any errors alongside the documents of past few years that support the information to be true. In addition to the data, precise compliance reports related to administration, library, admission, etc also need to be submitted. Generating accurate reports manually within a limited time frame is a big hurdle that most of the colleges face. Also, reports that are generated by excel sheets cannot be completely trusted since it has no role based access. If access to an excel sheet is given to any person, they have full liberty to make as many changes as they want.
Here Are the Accomplishments of a Good education ERP that’ll help your institution manage the data required for accreditation successfully-
- Role-based logins are given to users
- Institutional data & reports can be accessed instantly with login credentials
- Multitude of filters are available to obtain the reports in the required format
- Multiple-backup provision for data security is given
- Reports can be generated quickly without any errors
Thus, a college ERP can help institutions save time, streamline processes, and smoothen operations along with generating compliance reports. All-in-all, an College ERP Software makes the journey to accreditation much easier by helping institutions manage their data. Therefore, a college seeking accreditation from agencies like NAAC/NBA must implement a comprehensive college ERP system to compile & manage the necessary data and ensure quality work.
This publication, and the contents herein, introduces overall features of the Accreditation Data Management System developed and owned by the MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited, however, the access to the same shall be limited to the features opted by its Users. It shall be understood that the System shall be modified from time to time by the MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited as and when found necessary, and such modifications shall be made available, automatically and mandatorily, to the Users.
The Accreditation Data Management System allows the Institutes to assimilate Campus Data in one Central Database, and generates various Reports that may be helpful in the accreditation process. However, it does not calculate/estimate/speculate the accreditation or ranking scores, and it shall not be implied in any manner that we claim to improve the accreditation score or ranking of the Institutes.
MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited is not associated with the NAAC, and no part of the contents published herein intend to imply the same. Any part of such contents, if found to be similar to or suggestive towards the material featured on the official Website of the NAAC, is to be treated as having been sourced from the said Website; and MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited claims no ownership or interest over the said information.
We declare that every such information is published in consonance with the Copyright Policy of the NAAC as stipulated on its official Website, and that we have no intention to dilute the accuracy of or to derogate the said material. We also affirm that no part of the contents published herein infringe Copyright(s) of any third party(ies).
We urge all the readers of our publications to honour the esteem of NAAC, and the sacrosanct information published by it in public interest.
Get a Step Ahead in Accreditation Journey with MasterSoft's Accreditation Data Management Software!
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Email: janki.somani@iitms.co.in