F Our Valuable Clients | MasterSoft ERP Solutions

We've got over 2,200+ Institutions Automated!


We have earned over 99% client satisfaction ratings by proving our mettle in innovative product
development & a zest to ensure successful ERP implementation.


Years of Experience


Successful Implementations


Million User Base


Professional Strength

Empowering Institutions

We aim at contributing to the educational system with best-in-class edTech solutions that create maximum value for Institutions.

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MasterSoft Knowledge Series


A sneak peek into conferences & sessions led by prominent visionaries & educationalists in association with MasterSoft.

Vice Chancellor, Pune University, Dr. Nitin R. Karmalkar Enlightening on ICT Enablement Nashik 2019

Dr. K. Pitchumani, Vice Chancellor Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at MasterSoft Conference

Centralized Campus Management Solution Testimonial by Dr. Sumayaa, Principal TBAK College

Sound too good to be true? Hear what our customers have to say!


We firmly believe that our client’s success is our success. Here’s a glimpse of our client’s experience with us.

Dr. P. M. Khodke

Central Project Advisor at NPIU, Formerly Principal of GEC Karad

The e-Governance ERP has been customized with functional requirements of GCEK & system is fully functional. This software generates various MIS reports which are highly beneficial to us.

Dr. Gopal Mugeraya

Director, NIT Goa

The e-Governance ERP RF-CAMPUS is customized & commissioned by company and all major important modules are in active usages. MasterSoft is providing continuous on-site support and their services are good.

Dr. Danish Ali Khan

Dean, NIT Jamshedpur

The online fee payment portal has proved to be extremely helpful to the staff and students alike. The precise and live data from the analytics dashboard has been of great benefit to the faculty as well as the management.

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