Updated On | 18, November 2021
As a responsible educator, you must be implementing various innovative teaching-learning approaches for better students’ learning outcomes.
You might have even seen how institutions with the best NAAC grades are considered to be the finest higher education institutions.
Well, let’s begin with the basic & understand the importance of NAAC step-by-step.
What is NAAC Accreditation?
NAAC certification is a measure to evaluate and then guarantee a standard of education provided in higher institutions across the nation. The University Grant Commission (UGC) has issued a decree stipulating that every university and faculty must get certification by the council called NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council).
NAAC accreditation focuses on improving the quality parameter of education.
Unlike the traditional educational system, NAAC aims to improve the overall development of students by helping them inculcate skills & knowledge via their education.
Institutions with NAAC accreditation fall under the category of institutions that offer “Quality Education” to students. Therefore, institutions that aim to maximize the student learning outcomes by ensuring the best practices must try to attain NAAC accreditation.
Purpose of NAAC Accreditation
The main purpose of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) for conducting accreditation in colleges, and higher education institutes is to create understanding about the status of education quality among the institutes.
The NAAC body itself creates the set of standards that can be referred by the educational institutes to check if they are eligible to apply for NAAC accreditation. It provides access to funding programs by federal and state. Further, it maintains private sector confidence among the institutes and helps in the easy transfer of student credits.
Role of NAAC Accreditation in Higher Education
Education is the most important pillar of a nation for its development.
As a result, the excellence and relevance of programs offered by the university must have a standard.
As in every arena of business, the method of improving quality has a predefined set of measures. Colleges must find and recognize additional requirements to satisfy them per the international standards.
The role of NAAC Accreditation is to bring the best in every institution and help institutions grow across research, innovation, student success, governance & more.
Importance of NAAC Accreditation for Students & HEIs
NAAC accreditation identifies the quality of the institute in terms of its education, research, faculty, infrastructure, etc., as well as giving students confidence that they are selecting a quality institution. It gives an institute instant credibility and increases its admissions.
Here are the top advantages of obtaining NAAC accreditation for higher education institutions & students...

#1: SWOT Analysis & Continuous Evaluation
NAAC accreditation process helps the institution identify its weaknesses, strengths, opportunities, and threats using a continuous evaluation process.
This is the greatest benefit of NAAC accreditation for students as well as HEIs.
#2: Best Practices for Quality Improvement
he SWOT analysis further enables the institutions to understand the need for planning in the internal areas and allocating resources.
#3: Ensures Teaching Success
The accreditation journey introduces institutions to modern and innovative educational methods.
In the long run, it elevates the institution’s image and offers a new direction of success.
#4: Improves Internal Processes & Communication
In order to ensure seamless internal processes during the NAAC accreditation, HEIs focus on inter-and-intra institutional communication and thus eliminates the communication gap between faculty & students.
#5: Maximizes Recruitment Rate of Students
The accreditation journey provides the institutions with consistent details about the quality of courses offered so that the colleges can adopt the best practices. An organization prefers to recruit candidates with better knowledge & skills.
Improve your Institute’s Management along with Teaching- Learning Methods with MasterSoft!
Significance of Education ERP Software for Institutions
A reliable & robust education ERP software enables colleges/institutions to streamline their work processes & manage institutional data to help them get ready for NAAC accreditation.
In addition to this, the college ERP software also helps in generating error-free real-time compliance/accreditation reports in accurate formats helping the coordinators stay updated with input information statistics. In simple terms, ERP software helps higher education institutions manage entire data seamlessly.
College ERP software manages the entire college management system including the administration, operations related to the campus, academic management, administration, and library management system. Eliminating Rework related to data entry and processing accurate information by acquiring information directly from key stakeholders through their respective logins.
Thus, MIS reports for compliance/ accreditation generated using the college software provide all the details accurately to be presented to compliance/accreditation bodies.
How do Colleges and Universities Get NAAC Accreditation?
1. The NAAC body has given a set of eligibility criteria for the institutes to apply for Accreditation.
2. If the institute is eligible, they must submit the following documents.
- Institute’s data and report submission
- Proof and supporting documents
- Verified data
- Student Feedback
- ICT enabled education
3. The institutes can register themselves for accreditation on NAAC official website
4. Compile and submit the institute’s data for initial quality assessment (IIQA)
5. Institutes need to submit the self-study reports after the IIQA has gotten through.
6. If the IIQA gets rejected, the institutes get two more attempts to apply for accreditation within a year.
7. The data submitted by the institute is verified and the institute is given a pre-qualifier score
8. After data verification, the Student Satisfaction Survey is conducted.
9. NAAC peer team visits the institute for further verification and assigns the final grade
How does MasterSoft’s Accreditation Management System Ease Data Management for Accreditation?
MasterSoft is one of the highly trusted ERP providers offering solutions in all the academic, non-academic, and management aspects of an educational institute starting from student information systems to accreditation management software. The solutions are robust, easy to use, and highly secure offering the best experience to the users.
Our Accreditation management system is built after consulting with several experts and academicians across India. It helps the institutes to smoothly collect, analyze and manage data and reports in formats as required by NAAC, NIRF, and NBA bodies.
The software gives guidelines and instructions to the institute while operations and offers support for data submission and fetching. It ensures high-quality education in the institutes improving teaching-learning methods for the students.
Therefore, after knowing that NAAC certification offers so much help in upgrading the education quality in the college, every college must look at obtaining the same. It is not only prestigious to attain NAAC accreditation but also useful to uplift the college process and stand ahead in the competition to offer quality education.
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FAQ’s On NBA Accreditation

The National Board of Accreditation is an accreditation body in India and deals with the accreditation of engineering colleges and various technical institutions.
- Ensuring that your institute is ready for the NBA accreditation .
- Registering your institute on the websitee .
- Preparation of Self Assessment Report (SAR).
- Submitting the SAR report and applying for NBA.
- The NBA team visits the institute for further evaluation.
- Reports and recommendations by EAC are submitted.
- Accreditation decision by Academic Advisory Committee.
There is a set of rules and guidelines issued by the NBA, which are the only parameters to certify the institutions.
- institutional mission, vision and programme educational objectives
- academic support units and teaching-learning process
- programme curriculum
- facilities and technical support
- faculty contributions
- programme outcome
- students performance
- governance, institutional support and financial resources
- continuous improvement in the attainment of outcomes
This publication, and the contents herein, introduces overall features of the Accreditation Data Management System developed and owned by the MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited, however, the access to the same shall be limited to the features opted by its Users. It shall be understood that the System shall be modified from time to time by the MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited as and when found necessary, and such modifications shall be made available, automatically and mandatorily, to the Users.
The Accreditation Data Management System allows the Institutes to assimilate Campus Data in one Central Database, and generates various Reports that may be helpful in the accreditation process. However, it does not calculate/estimate/speculate the accreditation or ranking scores, and it shall not be implied in any manner that we claim to improve the accreditation score or ranking of the Institutes.
MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited is not associated with the NAAC, and no part of the contents published herein intend to imply the same. Any part of such contents, if found to be similar to or suggestive towards the material featured on the official Website of the NAAC, is to be treated as having been sourced from the said Website; and MasterSoft ERP Solutions Private Limited claims no ownership or interest over the said information.
We declare that every such information is published in consonance with the Copyright Policy of the NAAC as stipulated on its official Website, and that we have no intention to dilute the accuracy of or to derogate the said material. We also affirm that no part of the contents published herein infringe Copyright(s) of any third party(ies).
We urge all the readers of our publications to honour the esteem of NAAC, and the sacrosanct information published by it in public interest.