Library Circulation Management System Software

For any library automation software to work properly and in sync with the needs of the user, it is vital to have a circulation control provision. MasterSoft library software is designed & developed keeping in mind the same.
The library circulation system conducts activities like lending library books and other materials to users of a lending library. It is one of the important departments in a library system.
Right from creating borrower types to maintaining information about the borrowers, tracking their issue, return, dues, fines, and the entire borrowing history, MasterSoft's circulation control enables the librarians to access & analyze the information at just a click of a button. To be precise, it helps the librarians to manage the following records:
MasterSoft library automation software with the acquisition module simplifies the entire process by streamlining it into the following steps-
- B.T. Records Maintenance
- Document Circulation - Issue, Return & Renewals
- Reference Book Issue Return
- Reservation/Claims
- Overdue/Recall Notices
- Holidays
- Book Binding
- Library clearance
- Notices and Reminder
- Book Bank
- Fine Management
- Student Searching
What is the Purpose of a Library Management System?

The key purpose of the library management system is mainly to automate the library operations and lower the amount of manual labor involved. Also, to operate a library with the highest level of efficiency with reduced costs.
The different activities of cataloging, book purchasing, circulation recording, indexing, and stock checking can be automated with this software, thus saving a huge chunk of hours. This system further reduces the need for repetitive manual work and significantly reduces any human error.
Modules Library Circulation Management System Software

Acquisition & Cataloguing
The acquisition & cataloguing module of the library management system enables the librarian to select & buy books, journals, and other resources and create a database of the same for easy book search.

Serial Control
The serial control module of the library software enables the librarians to handle or control processes such as subscription, renewals of books or their cancellations and generate accurate MIS reports.

The circulation module enables the librarian to create and manage borrower types along with keeping a tab on their book issue date, return date, dues, and fines. It enables a smooth circulation of books in the library.

MIS Reports
Management information systems or MIS reports related to the library allow the librarians to extract crucial data & information of all the library transactions at a few clicks. Accurate MIS reports fostering better decision-making.

Online Public Access Catalogue or OPAC is a digital catalogue that enables the users to search for books, journals, or any other material by entering keywords such as the name of the book, its title, author's name, etc.

Mobile - Online Public Access Catalogue or M-OPAC is a mobile-based smartphone app that enables users to search for any book via their smartphones by entering keywords such as author's name, title, etc.
Reports Generated by the Circulation Control System

The circulation control system generates the following types of reports to make the library work process hassle-free.
- BT History
- Document Utilization History
- Circulation Register
- Documents Utilization Analysis
- Borrower Information Searching
- Email, SMS, Notices to Borrower
- Available Claim of Book
- Borrower Late Fee Reports
- Issue Book Reports
Features of Library Circulation Management System Software

1 Borrowers Information & Document Circulation
The software effectively manages and stores critical information about the borrowers at a centralized database, which can be easily accessed by every librarian. This makes it easier to keep a detailed track of the movement of books and simplifies the day-to-day circulation of library items.
2 Easy Identification of Borrowers
Apart from issuing identity cards to the borrowers, it's vital for the library staff to keep a constant tab on the users and book issuers to ensure proper inventory of library items. With proper circulation control, the librarians can get the facility to add the photograph of borrower's to the database for identification purposes.
3Collection of Penalties and Dues
This software automatically calculates and updates the library database with fines and dues if the borrower doesn't return the books on time or delays the delivery. Also, if the user loses the book, he/she can be asked to pay the fine. The system helps in tracking the book issuing and deposit date to monitor late submission of books.
4 Reservation of Books in Advance
The circulation control function enables the borrower to reserve or book library items well in advance for a specific number of days. You can reserve books and journals weeks or months before an exam or assignment and prevent the library items from getting loaned to another borrower.
5 Scanning & Reading Barcodes
The circulation system is able to read barcodes on the books & can be used for the purpose of accessioning, issuing, returning, and renewals of the books. Each barcode helps in identifying author name, publishing year, title of the book, etc. Scanning barcodes offers better inventory management and ensures easy sorting of books.
6Inter-Library Loan Facility
Multi-academy trusts can maintain a detailed record of books and related library items that are borrowed or issued from other branches with the inter-loan facility of the circulation control system. This is applicable even when the institutions lend or borrow their library materials from other institutions.
Save a Significant Amount of Time by Automating Bookbinding and Cataloging Operations!
Request DemoBenefits of Library Circulation Management System Software

Reduced Workload on Library Staff
Eliminate Extensive Paperwork
Quick Check-in & Check-out of Books
Prevent Manual Repetitive Data Entry
Automatic Referencing & Circulation of Books
Save Time & Money
Reduced Overhead Costs
Automated Data Entry & Storage
Issue and Deposit Books Within a Few Clicks
Minimal Manual Labor
Effective Data Management
Cloud-Based Data Backups
100% Data Security
Free from Human Error
Automated Book Cataloging & Indexing