OPAC - Online Public Access Catalogue

Search, Find and Manage your books easily and swiftly with the OPAC - Online Public Access Catalog
An Online Public Access Catalog, commonly known as OPAC, is a digital database that stores information about various materials such as books, authors, genres, journals, and other resources that are available in a library or a group of libraries.
This online catalogue serves as an exhaustive bibliography of the library's holdings, which is accessible to the public. Search for any item in the library's collection easily with the help of the library's cataloguing software. The search results are displayed in an intuitive and user-friendly format, facilitating the quick and easy location of digital material.
Initially developed as a standalone online catalogue, from a limited number of terminals known as VT100 to a mainframe library catalogue, OPAC today has evolved into a globally located library authority or librarian-maintained system that allows for efficient and seamless updates to the catalogue.
Features Of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC System)

1 Searching Capabilities
Upgrade your search with OPAC. From boolean search, phrase search, and truncation to browsing by author, title, subject, and type of publication, the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) offers a variety of search options.
2 User Assistance
With OPAC, accessing and organising your library's collections has never been easier or more efficient. Receive navigation help and easily keep track of items with OPAC on-screen instructional help and time tracking and management features.
3Search Limit
The search limit is a crucial component of a meaningful search, and OPAC is the right tool for it. OPAC lets you specify the publication year and type of publication, as well as allows users to sort papers by author, title, and structure.
4 Bibliography Display
Easily customise the display screen and limit the number of records per display through OPAC’s bibliography display option, which includes a structured library entry format that allows for the display of catalogue card forms.
5 Search Strategy
OPAC's search strategy creates a search statement that efficiently finds more relevant information in a shorter length of time. OPAC also provides a variety of tools for strategy.
6Easy To Use
Accessing documents has never been easier than with OPAC. With its user-friendly interface and interactive features, you can search and find documents at any time and from any location. Its seamless integration with a document-searching circulation system ensures that you can quickly and efficiently access the materials you need.
Information about documents can be searched using powerful search engine according to:
- Title
- Accession Number
- Author, Co-Author, Editor
- Subject, Publisher
- Class Number, ISBN Number
- Publication Place
- Publication Year
- Word in a Title Search
- Belonging Search
- Keyword Searching
- Combinational Search
- Translated Books
- Type of Document
- Dissertation/Thesis Search
- Claim & Reservation to Books