Features Of Outcome-Based Education Software

1Mapping Learning Outcomes
Enables faculty members to monitor, track & accurately map student’s performance in terms of PO-CO & assessments for continuous outcome improvement.
2 Assessment Rules Configuration
Enables the faculty to predefine assessment criteria by configuring different assessment rules, creating online exams, quizzes, etc & ensures a smooth outcome attainment journey.
3 Institutional Data Management
Provides a centralized platform to manage the entire institutional data, documents, & compliance reports required during the NBA accreditation process.
4 BI Analytics Tools
Inbuilt BI Tools providing actionable insights on student’s progress & faculty work to ensure best practices.
5 Outcome Calculation
Generates accurate reports in various easy-to-understand formats to analyze, measure, calculate, and improve student learning outcomes.
6 Data Accuracy & Report Accuracy
Maintains data quality & ensures error-free data to generate reports with high degree of precision and thus, strengthens compliance efforts.
7 Task Utility
Create and assign tasks seamlessly. Customize tasks with descriptions & dates, and set priorities. Optimize workflow with sub-tasks. Stay on track with real-time dashboard monitoring.
8 Community App
Upload media, discover college events, voice opinions through polls, and connect with specialized groups for enhanced engagement. Improve your connection experience effortlessly!
Manage Learning Objectives And Assessment

Founded in the year 1989, Washington Accord is an International Accreditation Covenant for Undergraduate Professional Engineering Academic Programs. It aims at facilitating a global platform to students by helping them develop & nurture career-oriented skills with the help of outcome based learning.
Being a permanent signatory member of Washington Accord, the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) has set up certain guidelines that involve framing & assessment of POs, PEOs, and COs for successful accreditation. During the process, majority of HEIs face the following challenges:
- Managing vision, mission & OBE framework
- Managing records & spreadsheets manually
- Prioritizing assessment weightage
- Managing the threshold for CO attainment
- Mapping of PO & CO
- Failure to calculate academic attainments
- Inaccurate assessment reports
MasterSoft’s OBE Software Offerings For Students, Faculty & Educators

Outcome-based education (OBE) is an educational approach that involves the restructuring of teaching methods & syllabus, pre-defining expected final outcomes and creating assessment practices in educational institutions to map & meet the expected students’ learning outcomes.
MasterSoft’s Outcome-Based Education System is a comprehensive software that enables higher education institutions to meet the guidelines of the NBA and helps in enhancing the quality of education by ensuring Outcome-Based Education (OBE).
The flexible OBE system maximizes teaching efficiency by reducing the assessment workload of the faculty. Enables them to create effective teaching plans, question banks, assignments, and framing & mapping COs along with generating error-free students’ performance reports on - Course Outcome attainment, Program Outcome attainment, and Program Education Objectives.
It eases the assessment hassles completely by maintaining transparency between all the stakeholders – educators, students & faculty members.
Reports – Outcomes Attainment
The following reports for the NBA can be generated with mere clicks.
- Error-free CO-PO calculation
- Assignment level/ question-wise performance
- PO coverage report
- Yearly attainment of Pos
- CO/PO attainment report & cause analysis
- Student-wise attainment, course level attainment
MasterSoft’s OBE Software Offerings for Students, Faculty & Educators

Improves overall institutional performance by providing the highest quality education to students.
Continuous assessments enable students to understand their academic strengths & weaknesses and improve them.
Faculty can easily track, map & measure COs-POs without any errors with the help of OBE software.
Map And Evaluate Students' Performance & Meet The Learning Outcomes!
Request DemoBenefits Of Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

Fully Integrated
Providing Quality Education
Teaching Flexibility
Conforming To The Accrediting System
Accurate Monitoring Dashboard
Configurable Bi Tools
Reports Delivery
Simplistic Visual Analysis
Increased Output
Institutional Effectiveness
Automating The Evaluation Cycle
Boosting Work Efficiency
FAQs on Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

Outcome-based education (OBE) is a reformative educational approach that enables teachers to pre-define the educational goals for students & maps them throughout the learning sessions via continuous assessments to improve student’s learning outcomes.
The following are simple steps to implement outcome-based education system.
- Understanding institutional needs
- Setting goals with respect to the expected outcomes
- Prioritizing functionalities required for OBE system
- Researching & analyzing the available OBE systems in the market
- Speaking to trustworthy educational ERP vendor
- Arranging a demo of the outcome-based education software
- Testing & Implementing the OBE software!
Outcome-based education focuses on providing quality education by mapping & measuring students’ performance & re-designing the curriculum to meet the goals. Thus, OBE educational approach helps students improve their academic performance seamlessly.
The following are the main advantages of outcome-based education (OBE)-
- Ensures the highest quality education
- CO-PO mapping & measuring
- Continuous evaluation of students performance
- Improved student learning outcomes
Outcome-based education system tracks & measures students’ progress continuously and helps teachers re-align their teacher methodologies to meet the expected goals.