Why Opt For RF-Campus?

With the help of RF- CAMPUS, independent educational campuses including IIT, NITs, IIIT, Deemed Universities, and other professional colleges can digitize all of their administrative processes. Campus administration and the entire student life cycle are automated by the ERP.
The system concentrates on resolving the most challenging issues for clients in the education sector and also aids in most compliance procedures.
This system intends to deliver the required compliance reports in the specific forms demanded by various governmental entities around the world.
It supports a number of contemporary technologies, including email notifications, smart cards, biometrics, SMS, and online payment gateways.
It is a completely integrated multi-user system that is completely secure from unauthorized access.
RF-Campus Management System

RF-CAMPUS is a Cloud-Based E-Governance ERP for digitalization of all the administrative activities of autonomous educational campuses such as IIT, NITs, IIIT, Deemed Universities & all professional colleges. The ERP automates the complete student life cycle and campus administration.
It supports various modern technologies such as – online payment gateway, SMS, smart cards, biometric, email alerts, etc. It is a fully integrated multi-user system with 100% protection against unauthorized access.
RF-CAMPUS provides secured, accurate & timely information to users at all levels for better decision making. Also, eliminates duplication of work & hence reduces overall cost & enables better utilization of resources.
RF-Campus Security
- SSL Certification
- Encrypted User Password
- OTP - One-time Password
- IP Address Authentication
- Role-based Access
- Monitoring of User Log

Prominent Features Of RF-Campus

1 Smart Integration
The newest technology stack, including online payment gateways, biometrics, and RFID, is linked with the school ERP. You may pay the bill or sign up for the library with only one click. As it contains all of a person's information, it is used to tailor its procedures to the needs of the campus or institute.
2 High Personalization
With RF-Campus, all clients receive complete upgrades to new features and the freedom to completely customize the system to their own needs. The extensive customizing of the RF Campus Management Software is followed by a thorough examination of the procedures and specifications unique to the Institute.
3 One-Stop Service
The cutting-edge and adaptable design of the RF Campus Management Software enables educational institutions to automate and streamline their activities. You can manage everything from a single platform thanks to the Integrated ERP, which keeps all the data in a consolidated database shared across all modules at once.
4 Disaster Recovery & Security
With a wide array of services and modules, it's software that gives role-based access and provides highly secure cloud servers to host the educational ERP. It can satisfy even the most demanding specifications for educational institutions, and numerous backups are used to manage catastrophic recovery.
5 Simple and intuitive
The success of institutions largely depends on how they manage relationships with key groups including students, and parents. Therefore, the ERP is very simple to use because only the end users may access the data needed to carry out certain activities, and information is organized and instantly accessible with a global search function.
6 B.I. Tools
Business intelligence (BI) is a collection of tools and techniques that enable data analysis and information provision to support decision-making. Today, BI takes the shape of analytics dashboards that display significant data in a statistical format that is easy to study, including data pertaining to a region, gender, or specific industry.
RF-Campus Modules

Student Information Management System Student Information Management System
- Lead Management
- Admission & Fees
- Student Records
- Student Onboarding
- Attendance & Timetable
- Choice Based Credit System
- Learning Management System
- Be Future Ready (B.F.R)
- Examination & Results
- Training & Placement
- Hostel Management System
- Student Diary App
Faculty Management SystemFaculty Management System
- Student Information System
- Learning Management System
- Payroll Management
- Accounts Management
- Library Management
Campus AdministrationCampus Administration
- Atcovation: School Mobile App & Portal
- Feepayr
- Student Diary
- Mobile Online Public Access Catalog
RF-Campus Modules- Part 1 : Student Information Management System

The Student Information Management System (SIMS) to help educational institutions store, retrieve, access, and analyze entire student data including students’ admission details, fees records, academic performance from a centralized location enabling them to organize data systematically & maximize institutional efficiency.

Lead Management
Streamline the process of attracting and managing potential leads and prevent any leakage of leads by accessing key information on a real-time basis.
- Effective Lead Management
- Automating Lead Capture
- Campaign Management
- Lead Nourishment
- Lead Allotment & Follow-up
- Better decision-making with MIS Dashboards & Reports
Admission Management Software & Fee Collection System to ease the hassle of online admissions & enable 100% secure fees collection online & offline.
- Define Institute – Degree, Branches, Courses offered, fees parameters, etc
- Admission Process for UG, PG & Ph.D - Prospectus Sale, Online Application by the Student, Merit List, Admission or Import of Admission Data
- Fees Collection – Online, Counter, Challan, Wallets (Multi-currency enabled)
- Admission Cancellation & Fees Refund
- Other Receipts
- Miscellaneous Receipts & Payments
- Fee Reports – Daily/Monthly Fee Reports – Detail/Summary, Fee Ledger, Outstanding fee, Bank Reports
- Fees Data Export to Excel
Admission & Fee

Student Records
Complete management of student information & records and generation of student related-reports, right from admission to graduation.
- Student Record Creation & Enrollment Process
- Roll list, Admission Register & other Reports
- Smart/RFID Cards and Student Certificates
- Student MIS Reports

Student Onboarding & Administration
Student Onboarding & Administration module for the automation of the entire student lifecycle & analytics-driven reports generation for performance evaluation.
- Student Onboarding & Enrolment
- Smooth Orientation Management
- Generation of Student IDs
- Academic Calendar
- Class/Course Time Table (Course – Teacher Allotment)
- Disciplinary Action Recording by Faculty
- Student Evaluation - Class/Mid-sem/Test Examination Marks Entry by Faculty
- Feedback - Faculty Evaluation by Students
- Academic Performance Analysis
- Course Registration by -Student/Faculty Adviser/Bulk Student Attendance
- Attendance SMS/Emails to Students-Parents – Daily/Weekly/Monthly
- Students Transfer/Promotion to Next Semester
- User-defined Student Info Reports
- MIS & Graphical Reports
- Slot-Based Time Table Management
- Tagging Courses with Teacher
- Effective Lesson Plan Management
- Attendance Management & Notifications
- Detention Management
- Academic Audit
- Recording of Student Disciplinary Actions
- Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities Management
- Reports, Dashboards, and Analytics
Attendance & Timetable

Choice Based Credit System
Choice Based Credit System or CBCS provides a learning platform wherein the student has the flexibility to choose their course from a list of elective, core, and soft skill courses.
CBCS follows a credit system that is attached to course components offered to students. CBCS measures various parameters like student performance, outcomes, entrepreneurship skills, contact hours, innovation and creativity talents, etc.
The CBCS system is beneficial for Institutes. The student-centric approach of Education creates interest and applicability in the scope of the study. CBCS enables students for better Employment.
- Flexibility for Students to choose Their Course From a List of Elective, Core, and Soft Skill Courses
- Follows a Credit System Which is Attached to Course Components Offered to Students
- Measures Various Parameters - Student Performance, Outcomes, Entrepreneurship Skills, Contact Hours, Innovation and Creativity Talents, etc.
- Student-Centric Approach of Education Creates Interest and Applicability in the Scope of the Study
- Enables Students for Better Employment
The e-learning module is an online learning platform developed with an aim to empower the educational ecosystem by ensuring quality education & enhancing teacher-student engagement.
Enriched with advanced features & functionalities such as online assessments, video lectures, and discussion forums, the Learning Management System provides seamless virtual classroom experience to students.
- Online Lecture: Integrated with Microsoft Teams & Lecture Notes
- Online Assignment Scheduling & Assessment
- Online Assessment : MCQs, Descriptive Tests, OTP Based, Question Bank Creation, Schedule Tests
- E-Content Upload
- Create Syllabus & Teaching Plan
- Teacher Student Discussion Forum
- Internal Mailing & Chat
- Compatible with Mobile, Tabs & Desktops
E-Learning Software/Learning Management System (LMS)

Be Future Ready (B.F.R)
- AI-based Cutting Edge Technology
- AI-based recommendations
- Compliant to NEP
- Holistic OBE
- Outcome Measurement
- Student-Centric Approach of Education Creates Interest and Applicability in the Scope of the Study
- Enables Students for Better Employment
- Discussion Forum
- Assessment & Plagiarism Check
- Training, Monitoring, and Handholding
- AI Proctoring, Self Assessment, Preparing Students for Jobs
- Job Profiles and Applications
- Job Readiness
To meet the quality education guidelines of NBA, the OBE System enables Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to analyze, map, and evaluate the lessons learnt by students based on questions attempted & attain POs, COs & PEOs.
OBE Process
- Define Vision, Mission & OBE framework - PO, PEO’s, CO & Mapping
- Setting up Weightage for Assessment
- Setting up Thresholds for CO Attainment
- Mapping CO to Questions
- Assignments/Survey Creation, Mapping to CO, Evaluating, and Analyze
- Continuous Improvement of Outcomes
- CO-PO calculation using Direct & Indirect Assessment
- Assignment Level/Question-wise Performance Report
- PO Coverage Report
- Yearly Attainment of POs
- CO/PO Attainment Report & Cause Analysis
- Student-wise Attainment, Course Level Attainment
- Detention of Students
- Exam Registration by Students & Approval
- Exam Roll No. Allotment & Hall Tickets
- Exam Timetable, Seating Arrangements, Exam Attendance Sheet
- Invigilation Duty Assignment
- Pre-Exam Reports
- Docket Preparation – Absent Student & UFM - Unfair means Entry
Examination & Results
Exam Management System to cover all the pre-exam & post exam activities & help in smooth examination conduction and faster & accurate result calculation in campuses.

Post Examination Work
- Paper Bundle generation & Valuer Assignment
- Marks/Grade Entry by Valuer
- Grading criteria (Absolute/Relative)/Passing Scheme Definition
- Finalization of marks by Class-Moderation Committee
- Result Preparation - Grade, SGPA & CGPA calculation
- Result Publishing
- Re-exam/Revaluation/Grievances
Examination Reports
- Pre-Exam Reports
- Result Analysis Reports & Graphs
- Grade Cards/Mark sheet
- Tabulation Register & Gazette
- Transcript
- Provisional Degree
- Degree Certificate with QR-code/RFID
- Convocation Reports

Training & Placement
Training & Placement Module to help educational institutions conduct student placement activities & training successfully.
- Logins for students, Company and Staff
- Online Registration & Resume Update by Students
- Registration & Placement Request by Company
- Alerts to Students for Placement Schedule
- Apply for Placement Schedule – by Students
- Shortlisting of Students as per Requirement
- Placement Process – Recording of Selected Students after Each Round of Selection Process such as - Online test/Written test, GD/PI/HR Process
- Final Selection of Students by the Company
- Acceptance of Job Offer by Student
- History of Campus Placement
- MIS Reports
- Invitation to Companies for Industrial Training
- Application by the Student for Training
- Selection of Student based on Company Criteria, Choice & Merit
- Letter of Training
- Training Record of Students
Hostel Management System to enable management authorities to keep a tab on students & manage complete hostel-related activities.
- Defining Hostels – Blocks, Wings, Floors, Room Types & Assets
- Hostel Admissions & Fees
- Room/Mess Allotment & Change
- Admission Cancellation & Fee Refund
- Mess Bill
- Student Leaves
- Student dues Recovery/Refund at the End of Semester/Year
- Hostel Reports & Certificates
Hostel Management System

APP - Student Diary
The Student Diary App provides a smartphone based interface of the ERP to the Students, Parents, Faculty & Officials.
Eliminate communication gaps via SMS and letters. Messages/Notices can be sent to students through Push notifications – Free of cost.
It provides the following options/information to Users based on their role.
Placement Process
- Student Personal Information, Contact Details & Address
- Fees Paid & Outstanding Fees
- Class & Exam Timetable
- Student Attendance Reports & Analysis
- Library Issue-return & OPAC
- Exam Results & Analysis
- News, Notifications, and Updates
Industrial Training Process
- Student Class Attendance App
- Faculty Timetable
- 360-degree View of any Student
- Faculty Bio-metric Attendance & Pay Slip
Achieve Educational Goals With RF-Campus Automation Software
Get StartedFaculty Management System RF-Campus Modules- Part 2

The Student Information Management System is integrated with the Campus Administration Module. Thus, institutional data once entered in the system is stored at a centralized location & gets shared across modules to ease the day-to-day administrative hassles of educational institutions by streamlining complex operations & eliminating repetitive paperwork, optimizing resources & maximizing the work efficiency.

Faculty Recruitment
With a sophisticated faculty recruitment process, the potential candidates can upload their resumes and attend interviews and get selected on a fair basis.
- Faculty Hiring Management
- Automatic KPI Generation
- Faculty Profile Management
- Faculty Performance Tracking

ESTABLISHMENT (Human Resource Management System) (LMS)
Comprehensive Payroll Management System for the effective management of an institution's payroll which is integrated with the Leave Management System.
- Maintain Employee Profile
- Process Monthly Pay bills of all employees –Regular, Adhoc & Pensioners
- Supplementary bills
- Define Income Tax rules & Calculate Accordingly - Form 16, 24Q…
- Manage PF
- Manage DA Arrears

Payroll Reports
Create payroll reports to get a thorough analysis of the institute’s payroll in terms of tax deduction, leaves, bonuses, etc.
- Monthly Reports such as Pay-slip, Salary Certificate, Salary Register, Bank Statement, Installment Statement, Schedule – PF, ESIC, LIC, PT, Abstract, etc
- Annual Reports
- Income Tax Reports
- Employee Information Reports
- ID Cards
- MIS Reports & Selected Field Flexible Reports
- Define Leave Types & Rules - CL, EL, PL, ML, HPL,
- Leave Opening Balances
- Online Application & Sanctions
- Periodic Crediting of Leave & Carry Forward
- Optional Integration with Biometric Devices
- Service Book Entries – Personal, Appointments, Family, Nominee, Qualification, Qualifying Service, Pay Revisions, Disciplinary Action, Training & Research, Publications, Leave
- Scanning & Storage of Employee Original Documents
Service Book
- Service Book Entries – Personal, Appointments, Family, Nominee, Qualification, Qualifying Service, Pay Revisions, Disciplinary Action, Training & Research, Publications, Leave
- Scanning & Storage of Employee Original Documents

Leave Management Software
Leave Management Software to manage faculty & staff leaves by rating leave policies, and tracking, approving,and maintaining the correct attendance record.
Accounts software to help college automate financial transactions including billing, payroll, fees, salary, cash books, and ledger heads, with immediate MIS reports in clicks.

Core Accounting
- Define Cash Books, Ledger Heads & Final Account Heads
- Voucher Entries - Receipts, Payments, JV, Contra
- Direct Transfer of Summary Data of Salary, Hostel fees, Student Fees, Entries to Accounts (Optional)
- Bank Reconciliation
Core Accounting
- Appropriation & Cheque Printing
- Final Accounts – Trial balance, Balance Sheet, Receipt & Payment Statement, Income - Expenditure Statement & Final Account Schedules
- Printing of Cash/Bank/JV & Day books, Ledgers, Final Accounts
Advanced Accounting (Optional)
- Accounting with GST & TDS Calculations, Form 26Q
- Consolidated Balance Sheet of Multiple Cash Books
- Alerts for TDS & GST payment
- Bill Passing System – Bill Raising, Approval, Payment Request, Auto Voucher Entry to Cash Book, Cheque Printing
- Budgeting – Allocation & Monitoring
- FD – Fixed Deposit Management
Acquisition & Cataloging
- Books Purchase Process
- Invoicing, Accessioning & Payments
- Binding, Write-off & Stock Verification
- Barcode Generation
- AACR2 Catalogues
- Budget Utilization Analysis
- B.T. Records
- Circulation - Issue, Return & Renewals
- Reservation/Claims
- Overdue/Recall Notice, Reminders
- Clearance & Fines
- Book Bank
- Reference Book Circulation
RFID based Library Management System Module is multilingual, multi-currency software for the automation of library functions.
Supports UNICODE, MARC21 & other Library standards - XML based data import/export.

Serial Controls
- Subscription & Payments
- Binding
- Accessioning
- Indexing
- Circulation
- Serial OPAC
- Newspapers
- MIS Reports
MIS Reports
- Utilization of Documents
- Budget Analysis
- Reservation/Claims Analysis
- Graphical Reports
- Analysis of Documents- According to Various Parameters
- Summary of Documents – in Binding, Present, Issued
OPAC-Online Public Access Catalogue
OPAC is a search tool for searching document details according to Accession Number, Title, Author, Subject, Publisher, ISBN, Pub. Year/place, Word in a title, Combinational keywords & Belonging keyword.
Library App - M-OPAC – Campus Library data is stored on Central M-OPAC Cloud along with data of various Libraries. Patrons can search book details from one or many Libraries using M-OPAC App according to Title, Author, Publisher, Keyword, Subject.
UHF RFID Library
This is the latest Library Automation Solution based on UHF RFID Technology, which provides a huge read range of nearly 1.5 metre and more.
It efficiently and accurately automates all Library operations such as- self-circulations by patrons, stock verification, book search, anti-theft security and book drop for self return.

General Administration Modules
Leave Management Software to manage faculty & staff leaves by rating leave policies, and tracking, approving,and maintaining the correct attendance record.
- Accreditation Data Management
- Visitor Management
- Document Management
- Dispatch
- Vehicle
- Repair & Maintenance
RF-Campus Modules- Part 3 :Campus Administration

Core Accounting
- Define Cash Books, Ledger Heads & Final Account Heads
- Voucher Entries - Receipts, Payments, JV, Contra
- Direct Transfer of Summary Data of Salary, Hostel fees, Student Fees, Entries to Accounts (Optional)
- Bank Reconciliation
- Appropriation & Cheque Printing
- Final Accounts – Trial balance, Balance Sheet, Receipt & Payment Statement, Income - Expenditure Statement & Final Account Schedules
- Printing of Cash/Bank/JV & Day books, Ledgers, Final Accounts
Advanced Accounting (Optional)
- Accounting with GST & TDS Calculations, Form 26Q
- Consolidated Balance Sheet of Multiple Cash Books
- Alerts for TDS & GST payment
- Bill Passing System – Bill Raising, Approval, Payment Request, Auto Voucher Entry to Cash Book, Cheque Printing
- Budgeting – Allocation & Monitoring
- FD – Fixed Deposit Management
Accounts software to help colleges automate financial transactions including billing, payroll, fees, salary, cash books, and ledger heads, with immediate MIS reports in clicks.

Accreditation Data Management System

The Accreditation Data Management System enables Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to prepare themselves for getting accreditation from highly reputed agencies like NAAC/NBA.
The CCMS software helps the K12 Faculty to collect, organize, manage, and analyze all the important institutional information & data of previous years and generate error-free & detailed compliance-related reports that play a vital role in earning accreditation successfully.
- Get Role-Based Access to HEI’s Authorities
- Create Dashboards for Various Assessment Parameters
- Data Management of Various Assessment Periods
- Utility to Upload Unlimited Records and the Supporting Attachment & Weblinks
- Provision to Define the Process Adopted by HEI’s
- Data Can be Exported in the Templates Required by Statutory & Non-Statutory Bodies
- Generate Chronological Activity Reports for Various Assessment Parameters
- Suggestions to HEI’s for the Best Practices to be Adopted and SOP for the Same
- Ensure Quality in the Overall Process
Acquisition & Cataloging
- Books Purchase Process
- Invoicing, Accessioning & Payments
- Binding, Write-off & Stock Verification
- Barcode Generation
- AACR2 Catalogues
- Budget Utilization Analysis
Acquisition & Cataloging
- B.T. Records
- Circulation - Issue, Return & Renewals
- Reservation/Claims
- Overdue/Recall Notice, Reminders
- Clearance & Fines
- Book Bank
- Reference Book Circulation
RFID based Library Management System Module is multilingual, multi-currency software for the automation of library functions.
Supports UNICODE, MARC21 & other Library standards - XML based data import/export.

Serial Controls
- Subscription & Payments
- Binding
- Accessioning
- Indexing
- Circulation
- Serial OPAC
- Newspapers
MIS Reports
- Utilization of Documents
- Budget Analysis
- Reservation/Claims Analysis
- Graphical Reports
- Analysis of Documents- According to Various Parameters
- Summary of Documents – in Binding, Present, Issued
OPAC-Online Public Access Catalogue
OPAC is a search tool for searching document details according to Accession Number, Title, Author, Subject, Publisher, ISBN, Pub. Year/place, Word in a title, Combinational keywords & Belonging keyword.
Library App - M-OPAC – Campus Library data is stored on Central M-OPAC Cloud along with data of various Libraries. Patrons can search book details from one or many Libraries using M-OPAC App according to Title, Author, Publisher, Keyword, Subject.
UHF RFID Library
This is the latest Library Automation Solution based on UHF RFID Technology, which provides a huge read range of nearly 1.5 meter and more.
It efficiently and accurately automates all Library operations such as- self-circulations by patrons, stock verification, book search, anti-theft security and book drop for self return.