University Administration & Information Management System (UAIMS)

UAIMS - University Administration & Information Management System is a cloud based - integrated e-Governance ERP for computerization of all the Activities of any University & its Affiliated Colleges. It computerizes the complete Student Lifecycle and the University Administration. The university administration management system has inbuilt modern technologies such as Secured Online Payment Gateways, Mobile App Integration, SMS/email alerts, RFID technology (HF, LF, UHF) & Biometrics for student attendance & monitoring in campus, Business Intelligence Tools (BI), and many more.
MasterSoft UAIMS - university management system has 23+ pro modules and in-built 45+ modules and can be hosted easily to the university data center or on cloud servers. Modules are designed keeping in mind the different dynamics of operation and can be customized according to the needs of the university.
The university administration refers to a management system in a university where faculty members conduct the role and responsibility of managing all institutional operations. They have the authority to formulate, and influence policies.
Modules of UAIMS

- College Affiliation
- Centralized Admissions
- Student Enrollment
- University Examination System
- Audit, Finance & Accounts
- Accreditation Data Management System
- HR Management Software
- Purchase & Stores
- Hostel Management
- Library Automation
- Student Diary
- Training & Placement
- E-Learning
- Web Portal & Alumni
- ERP For Affiliated Colleges
U-AIMS Features

Integrated, Time tested & Secured ERP Software

Customizable, Easy & Scalable, Role based ERP

Includes Best Practices of 2000+ Campuses in India

Hosting: University Data Centre Server
Mr. C. Zothakhuma
Registrar, Mizoram University

U- AIMS Modules

College Affiliation
The College Affiliation module of the university administration software seamlessly manages the process of uploading & managing mandatory documents on the University page and simplifies the journey of colleges seeking affiliation.
- Affiliation of New Colleges – Application, Scrutiny, Committee Formation, Sanction, Affiliation Certificate
- Renewal of Affiliation
- Uploading College Infrastructure, Faculty-Staff-Student
Details - Existing College Registration
- University Notifications

Centralized Admissions
The College Affiliation module of the university administration software seamlessly manages the process of uploading & managing mandatory documents on the University page and simplifies the journey of colleges seeking affiliation.
- Centralized First Year Admissions for all Colleges & Departments by University
- Student Applies to University Portal – One Online Form for Multiple Colleges & Courses
- Merit based College & Course Allotment
- Admission by Student in College
- College Admits Students

Student Enrollment
Right from enabling students to upload admission documents online to assist the university track, evaluate & verify students' eligibility, generate unique enrollment numbers & accurate reports, the student enrollment software efficiently streamline all the activities related to admission & enrollment & ensures hassle-free workflow.
- Login Id for Students
- Checking Student’s Eligibility
- Enrolment Number Generation
- Registration & Uploading of Newly Enrolled Students Papers on Portal
- Enrollment Reports & Analysis
UES - University Examination System

The university ERP is useful for marks/grade based exam systems and computerizes total examination work of the university. The ERP software is totally flexible & capable of handling large amounts of student data. It can be configured for any number of colleges, courses, the medium of instruction, subjects in course, and any type of examination with any type of Grace & Condonation rules. Strong validations are provided for minimizing human errors.
All Users - Students, College & University staff, Paper Valuers, Setters, Moderators, each one gets role based login/password for performing their work. The university examination management system provides an online facility for each student for performing the following activities of Student Lifecycle.
- Enrollment Form & Exam Form Submission
- Complete Verification of Degree/Transcript
- Exam Hall Tickets/Answers Scripts/Results/Mark Sheets Online
- Application for Revaluation, Mark Sheet, Transcript & Degree, Migration Certificate

The university ERP software helps in defining following parameters as per University rules
- Academic Session, Schemes, Faculty, Medium, Examination Pattern
- Courses, Subjects, Subject Grouping
- Exam Ordinances, Grace Rules & Condonation Rules, Grade Rules
Question Paper Setting & Moderation
- Appointment of Paper Setters & Moderators by Authorities
- Paper Setting & Submission by Paper Setters
- Paper Moderation
- TA/DA/Remuneration of Moderators/Paper Setters
- Entry of Paper Sets on Secured Servers with Auto-Encryption
- Exam Notification & Online Exam form filling by Students
- Scrutiny of Exam Forms
- Extract Backlog Subject data
- Roll number & Center Number allotment to Eligible Students
- Exam Timetable & Exam Hall tickets Printing by Students
- Pre-Exam Reports - Roll list, Numerical Returns: Course wise, Center wise, Subject wise Number of Students Appearing for the Examination, Attendance List for Conduction of Exam
- Seating Arrangements at Exam Centre & Invigilator Duty Management
Online Exam Question Paper Distribution
- Storage of Questions Papers on Secured Servers in Encrypted Formats
- University Sends Login Details for Every Paper 30 Min to Colleges
- Exam Centre: Principal, University Exam Officer: Combined Login & Download Question Papers
- Photo Copier Prints Question Papers
Paper Valuers Registration & Duty Allotment
- Registration of Examiner with subjects
- Approval by Board of Studies
- Preparation of Examiner/Valuer Panel
- Appointments of Examiner
- MIS/Statistical Reports
- Internal/Sessional Exam Marks from College
- Exam Center Management - Absentee/Unfair means Entry, Bundle Creation & Docket Report, and Dispatch of Answer Books
- Masking/Unmasking (Coding/Decoding) at University
- On Screen Answer Script evaluation
Result Processing & Publishing
- Allotment of Grades (Absolute/Relative), SGPA & CGPA Calculation as per Ordinances or Result Processing for Mark based System including Grace Marks & Condonation Rule
- TR Printing, Scrutiny & Corrections; Final TR Printing
- Tabulation Register - TR & Gazette, Mark sheet/Grade Cards, Pass Certificate, PDC & Degree
- Toppers/Merit List and Press Note
- Result Analysis for Annual Report
- Result Publishing - Via SMS/Email/App/Portal
- MIS Results Reports – According to Semester, Subject, Gender & Many more
- Online Application for Revaluation by Student & Fees payment
- Valuer Allotment, Revaluation by Valuers & Result Processing
- New TR, Mark Sheets/Grade Cards Printing
Degree, Transcript & Convocation
- Provisional Degree, Degree, Transcript with Security Mark
- Online Transcript/Degree Verification System
- Convocation Management
Digitization of Old TR Records
- Scanning of old TR in PDF format
- Data Entry of Student Key Information such as Name, Roll Number, Course, College
- Enrolment Number
- Indexing of Scanned Records on Key Fields
- Powerful Search & Retrieval of Scanned TR on Key Fields
Audit, Finance & Accounts

The finance & accounting module computerizes the accounting of multiple schemes, cash books for any number of financial years. This ERP software module is integrated with Fees, Stores, Hostels, Payroll modules, and entries. Thus, data can be directly shared across modules, managing avoiding island of Softwares, and maintaining Accuracy. It is divided into given sub-modules.

- Student Fees collection for Exam, Enrollment, Revaluation, Degree, PDC, Migration certificate, Fine, Late fees, Other Certificates
- Receipts for Tender fees, EMD, SD, Fine, Testing, Rent
- Receipt from Employee for Electricity Bill, Quarter Rent, Water Bill, Fine, Return of Balance Advance
- Money Deposit from University Departments to Finance Section
- Fees Reports – DCR, MCR, Summary Fees Report, Outstanding Fees, Demand Creation, Bank wise DD Collection Report
- Refunds of Fees, EMD, SD
- Payment of TA-DA, Remuneration, LTC, Salary, Medical, Testing & Consultancy, OT Bill
- Payment of Advances, Scholarships, Stipends
- Imprest Accounting
- Payment Reports
- Store & Manage Scholarships-related Data
- Form Entry
- Bill & Disbursement
- Receipts/Challans & Report Generation
- Defining Stipend Type & List
- Store & Manage Stipend-related Data
- Stipend Monthly Bill Preparation based on Attendance & Performance
- Receipts/Challans & Report Generation
Budget & Approvals
- Define Flexible budget heads & Subheads for Planned, Non-Planned expenditures & Amounts
- Purchase Proposal by Department to Vice Chancellor via User Defined Passing Authority Path– Say – Department HOD- Audit-OF/Registrar/ VC
- Sanction Note from Audit Section
- Purchase Process through Stores Module/Manual
- Bill Passing through User Defined Passing Authority Path
- Payment & Cheque Printing using Core Accounting Module
Users can Create any Number of Cash Books, Ledger heads & Cost Centers (Budget Head) & Final Account Heads & Assign to Ledger.
Accounts Day To Day Entry
- Direct Transfer of Online Receipt (fees)/Payment Entries, Payroll & Stores entry to Core Accounts
- Contra & JV Voucher Entries
- Bank Reconciliation and Reports
- Accounts Configuration
- Cheque – Individual/Bulk Cheque & covering letter printing, Cheque Issue Register
Accreditation Data Management System (ADMS)

The Accreditation Data Management System enables various Higher Educational Institutions under the University to get ready for accreditation from globally reputed agencies like NAAC/NBA ( Outcome Based Education, Washington Accord ). The college management system software helps the faculty to collect, manage, and analyze crucial institutional information of previous years & generate compliance related reports that are essential in getting successfully accredited.
The main accreditation data entry points of the ADMS system are as follows:
- Academic Details
- Infrastructure & Learning Resources
- Campus Extension Activities
- Finance
- Management & Governance
- Feedback System
- Alumni
- OBE – Outcome Based Education

HRMS - Human Resource Management Software

The Human Resource Management Software (HRMS) for Higher Education Institutions efficiently automates & streamlines processes such as Staff Recruitment & Training, Faculty Data Management, and Payroll Management for University Staff Members thus, enabling the university to manage the HR cycle seamlessly.

- ERP Module Provides User defined 20 Earnings Heads (Basic, DA, HRA) & 40 Deductions heads - PF, PT, LIC, PF, IT, etc
- Flexible User defined Pay Rules
- Create Salary Setup – Define Departments, Designations, Pay scales, Appointment & Staff Type, Earning & Deduction Heads, Caste category, Supplementary Bill Types, Religion
- Creation of new Employee
- Process Monthly Pay Bill & Supplementary Bills
- Annual Salary Reports & Identity Card
- Payroll Reports - Salary Register & Abstract, Pay Slips/Salary Certificate, Bank Statement, Schedules of – PF-LIC-GSLI-PT
- Leave Reports – EL, CL, PL, ML, etc & MIS Reports
- Income Tax - Defining Income Tax Rule - Slabs, Deduction Heads, Chapter 6 Heads, IT Configuration for TDS, Employee IT Declaration Form Entry, IT Calculation & IT Challan Entry
- Income Tax Reports – Form 16, 24 Q, 12BA, Investment Report
- Personnel memoranda Appointment
- Family, Qualification, Previous Qualifying Services
- GPF Loan & Advances, Nomination, Disciplinary Action
- Pay Revisions, Increments, Leave, Promotion & Transfer
- Change of pay scale, LTC, Training Programme, etc
- Scanning, Storage & Retrieval of Original Documents of Employee's Personal File
Pension & Gratuity Calculation-(Pension Case File)
- Qualifying Service
- Pensionable Pay
- Pension
- Family Pension
- Commutation of Pension
Budget & Approvals
- Qualifying Service
- Pensionable Pay
- Pension
- Family Pension
- Commutation of Pension
- Define leave types & Rules
- Leave Opening Balance Record
- Online Leave Application & Sanction
- Periodic Crediting of Leave
- Detention Leave
- Carrying Balance Leave to Next Year
- Scanning & Attachment of Leave Sanction Papers
Biometric Attendance
- Integration of Biometric devices with HRMS
- Auto Calculation of Employees In & Out time, Absentees, Average Hours Worked
- Auto SMS/Email Alerts to Employees
- REPORTS - Attendance & Absentee Report, Average Working Hours, Leave taken, Poor attendance, Employee Leave Report
- PF Loan Application & Sanction
- Bulk Proceedings
- Loan Refund
- Interest Calculation
- Monthly Subscription
- Personal Ledger Account

Purchase & Stores

This ERP software module computerizes various processes such as - Goods Procurement, Receipt of Goods, Stock book, Bill passing, Issue, Write off & Stores Reports. The Institution management can Create Many Departments, Users, Items, Vendors, Passing Authorities, Passing Paths. The Purchase & Stores Module allows flexible format for quotation/tender documents, vendor quotation entry, Taxes, Warranty conditions.
- Online Requisition for Goods from users and approval by author
- Flexible Passing Authority Path
- Issue of approved material to Departments/Users
- Acceptance of Goods by Users
- Generation of Indents by Stores for Goods to be procured
- Preparation of Tender/Quotations documents
- Entry of received Quotations/Tenders
- Generation of Comparative statement & Vendor Recommendation
- Auto Generation of PO
- Entry of received Invoice
- Receipt of Goods & Invoice passing for payment
- Return/Rejection of Goods from Departments
- Return of Goods to Vendor
- Procurement Process Documents - Quotation Calling Letter, Tender Documents, Comparative Statement, Purchase Order
- Goods Receipt Register
- Stock Book
- DSR - Dead Stock Register | Indent Report/Requisition report
- Stores Daily Report
- Balance Quantity Report
- Reorder Level Report
- Item Ledger/Item Wise Investment
- Department Wise Investment
- Vendor List/Invoice List/Item list
- Entire
Hostel Management

The Hostel Module of University ERP System computerize complete work of the hostel main office and various hostel offices. The Hostel Management System streamlines all Hostel activities/ work such as: Defining Hostels, Hostel admissions & fees, room & mess allotment, monthly mess bill calculation, student certificates & reports, Hostel Stores & Accounts, Hostel staff Payroll.

Define each Hostel by defining -
- Hostel Wings/Blocks
- Floors
- Rooms & Type of Rooms
- Assets in Rooms
- Room Eligibility
- Room Allotment
- Hostel Management Committees
- Mess: Create Mess, Attach One/Multiple Hostels to it & Define Mess Bill Expenditure Heads
- Students Application for Hostel
- Merit List Generation
- Hostel & Room Allotment – Merit basis/First come first/Lottery
- Hostel Admissions, Create Fee Demand & accept Fees
- Asset Allotment & Mess Allotment to Students
- Mess Bill – on Monthly Expenditure/Fixed Rate/Contract basis
- Hostel Attendance – Biometric/Manual
- Hostel Fine
- Hostel Adhoc Staff Payroll
- Financial Accounting & Stores
- Room Wise List of Students
- Vacant Room Report
- Hostel ID Cards
- Attendance Report
- Student Address Labels
- Hostel Certificates
- Financial Accounting & Fine Reports
- Students Complete Information
- Dues & Refund report at the end of Semester/Year
- SMS/Email – Alerts to Students, Parents, Wardens, Guardian

Library Automation

Library automation software is an integrated, multi-user, multilingual, and easy to use package for the complete computerization of in-house operations of any library. The LIBMAN - Library Management Software provides free Devanagari and barcode provision as well as supports UHF based RFID Library Automation.
- Requisitions, Quotations, Comparative PO
- Supply Orders/ Bills-Invoice processing
- Accessioning
- AACR2 Catalogue
- Pay Requisitions
- Binding
- Write off Books
- Stock Verification
- Transfer to Department
- Multiple currency & Exchange Rates
- SMS & E-mail and Data Export to Word, XL, PDF, TEXT
- BT Creation
- Circulation
- Reservation & Claims
- Overdue
- Recall notices
- Holidays
- Clearance
- Fine
- Notices
- Reminders
- Book bank
- Reference Books circulation
Book search according to the following parameters-
- Title
- Author
- Subject
- Class Number
- Publication Year
- Place
- Word in a title
- Belonging
- Accession
- Keyword
- Combinational Terms
- New/Renewal Subscription Order & Reminders
- Binding of Serial
- Circulation
- Indexing & Serial OPAC
- Newspaper
- Payment Notices
- Current/Expected Arrivals
MIS Reports
- Utilization of Documents
- Budget Analysis
- Claims analysis
- Graphical reports
- Analysis of documents
M-OPAC - A free Mobile based Book Search APP that allows institute users to search library books. The Campus Library Book details are stored on Central Cloud – MOPAC. Patrons across the world can access book details of your Campus Library and similarly Your Patrons can access book details of all libraries on the M-OPAC cloud.
Library Patrons can search book details from one/many Libraries using App according to the following -
- Title
- Author
- Publisher
- Keyword
- Subject
It allows Inter-library loans; Book claims/reservation & rare book searching. Useful for any type or size of Library.
Student Diary

The Student Diary App provides a smart phone interface ERP to Students & Parents, Faculty & Officials for viewing related information through a secured login. It is powered by Business Intelligence (BI) Analytics tools. It helps the Institution save SMS and letter cost as the information is available on smart phone & urgent messages can be sent to students through Push notification - Free of cost.
It provides following options/information to students/parents for viewing:
- Personal Information
- Fees paid & Outstanding Fees Details
- Class & Exam Timetable
- Attendance reports & Analysis
- Library Issue-return Details
- Exam Results & Analysis
- Student Contact Details & Address
- Library OPAC
- News, Notifications, and Updates
- Notices
- Student Doubt Solving by Faculty

Training & Placement

T & P module is used for all the work related to training & placement management. T & P department creates students & company databases, allows students to update part of biodata, invite various companies for placement, provides student list as per selection criteria to company, facilitates interviews, announces selected student list, updates acceptance from students and maintains records of various T & P activities with it for years to come. Each Student, Company & T & P staff have login rights with different options available to perform their jobs. The Placement Management System is linked with Academics.
Placement Work
- Configuring T & P Module: T & P staff defines common masters such as Company Job Location, Work Areas, Job types, Company Categories, Selection Methodologies
- Invitation to Companies
- Defining Companies & Approval of Online Applied Companies
- Approval of Student Registration in T & P
- Seminar/Workshop Announcement
- Details of Previously Employed Students
- Announcing Placement Schedule
- Shortlisting Student For Interviews
- Defining Selection Process
- Student Selection & Acceptance
- Notices/SMS/Email alerts
- Register with the T & P Department
- Request for a Placement Schedule
- Define Selection Criteria
- Ask Students to apply Online
- Select Eligible Students
- Confirm the Students Placement
- Register in T & P Portal
- Update Resume
- Apply for Interviews
- Confirm Placement if Selected
In Plant Training & Industrial Visit
- Displaying a list of Training Companies
- Student Applies online
- Merit list for Training
- Allotment of companies for Training
Best ERP Solution Providing Seamless Management Of University From A Centralized Platform
Get StartedE-Learning

The e-learning module facilitates an Interactive Teaching and Learning Environment for students and teachers. The online teaching & learning system is integrated with modern technologies - such as Computer, Internet, Mobile, Smartphones, etc.
To achieve the objective of student progress, e-Learning software has a rich set of tools and resources such as online Tests – Descriptive & MCQ, online learning facility, assignment, e-library, an announcement on virtual board, discussion forum, teaching plan, syllabus, and result report, etc. The important participants are Faculty members & Students. They get access to the given links.

Various options available to Faculty are:
- Create Assignment, Announcement
- Create E-Library Links, Forums
- Create Syllabus, Lecture Notes
- Create Lecturer-wise Teaching Plan
- Mail Utility for student and Faculty
- Create a Question Bank for Online Test
- Creates Test for Student
- Student Roll List
- Assignment Valuation & Result
- Test Result Reports
- Print-out of Answer Sheet
- Student History Log
- Bulk Student Login Creation
- Faculty Achievements
- Mark Entry for Descriptive Test
- Reply to FAQ & Chatting
- Submission of Assignments
- Assessment Test Links
- Student's Personal Calendar
- View Institutional Announcements
- Check Lecture-wise Teaching Plan
- Access to Curriculum & Syllabus
- Access to Valuable e-content: e-books, Notes, Study Materials
- Participation in Forum
- Personalized Chats with Teachers
- Mail Utility for student
- Result of Tests
- Mark Sheets/Grade Cards
Web Portal & Alumni

We give your Institute a Global gateway & Recognition through an Elegant & Eye-catching Website. We design content based, professional, creative, user & search engine friendly, smooth functioning secured websites. The site can be linked with our ERP. Every user has a secured login. We provide a Dynamic site that allows you to independently design your own web-page, menu & manage its contents easily.
We will design a site which may include static links such as:
- About Us - Introduction, Vision & Mission, Management, Mandatory Disclosures, RTI, Citizen Charter, City, Organization Chart, Principal Desk, Office & staff, Contact Us, Feedback
- Infrastructure - Central Office, Departments, Hostels, Labs
- Central Facilities - Canteen, Bank, Library, Shops, Gym, Sports
- Academics - Course, Admissions, Fees structure, Scholarships
- Departments - Labs, Faculty, Syllabus, Events & Seminars
- Library - Book & Journal Summary; Book Bank, Reading room
- Events & Awards - Seminars, Events & Conferences, Awards & Achievements, Merits, Sports, Gathering, NSS & NCC
Your site can have many popular dynamic links such as:
- Newsroom
- Tenders
- Circulars
- Alumni
- Forum
- Photo gallery
- Web-mail
- Faculty
- Admissions
- Online fees
- Exam Results
- Download
- People
- Time table
- SMS & Email
- Feedback
- Attendance
- Students Registration
ERP For Affiliated Colleges

MasterSoft 's UAIMS is integrated with College Management Solution, enabling easy and secure transfer of selective data points across the institutions while maintaining their individual Autonomy. Courses & subjects offered by the college are copied from the standard University database; maintaining uniformity throughout all University Colleges. Data transfer from college to University is easy & accurate.
- Complete Integration between Students, Faculty (HRMS) & Campus Administration
- One Stop Solution, no Island of Softwares
- Smart Integrations: Hardware (RF-ID, Biometric, mobile) & Software (Payment Gateway, O365, Microsoft Teams, Power BI)
- Mobile Application & Web based Operations (Mobile, Tablet, Desktop Compatible)
- Custom made Solutions, with High Configurations to Support Institutional Processes
- Experts in Data Migration & Management
- Admission & Fees
- Students Administration
- Timetable & Attendance
- College Examination
- Finance
- Payroll & Leave
- SMS & Group Mails
- Website & Alumni
General Administration (Add On Modules)

The General Administration plug-in of the University Management System is embedded with multiple functionalities that can handle internal processes of miscellaneous administrative departments and benefit higher education institutions. The ERP system efficiently manages the given set of non-academic yet essential departments.
IQAC module enables faculty to enter information related to - appointment & courses attended, academic performance indicator information, and personal details such as-
- Teaching & Learning Information
- Evaluation-Related Information
- Information about Co-Curricular Activities
- Information Related to Extension and Professional Development
- Research & Academic Contributions as per UGC norms
- Academic Performance Indicators (API)
File Movement & Tracking Module is used to speed up the file movement from Departments to Authority & vice-versa and to know the status of each file. It deals with activities such as:
- Section Creation
- File Creation
- Defining File Movement Path
- File Movement from One Desk to Another
Document Management
- Creation of Secured Repository of Scanned/ Digitized Documents
- Proper Categorization of Documents
- Role-based Access to Authorized Users based on their Privileges & Authorities
- Maintenance of User utilization log
- Creates Hierarchy of Directory and Assigns Rights to Access
Dispatch & Diary Module
- Received and Dispatched Letters Information
- Unique Number Assignment for In-ward/out-ward Documents
- Separate In-ward/Out-ward Registers Maintenance
Vehicle Management
- Stores Procurement Details
- Service & Maintenance Details
- Vehicle wise Travel Log Book
- Fuel Expenditure
- Advance Booking of Vehicle for Tours
- Tax & Insurance Premium
- Driver Log Book
- Rented Vehicle Management
Repair & Maintenance
- Complaint Registration to its Rectification Management
- Create/Define Any Number of Complaint Sections/Cells
- Campus User Records the Complaint Online
- Complaints are Allotted & Resolved Online by Complaint Cells
- Staff & Status Updated
Estate/Quarter Management
- Online Application for Quarter
- Quarter & Asset allotment
- Vacating Quarter
- Monthly Electricity & Water Meter Reading
- Calculating Bills & Monthly Report Generation
Guest House/Seminar Hall Management
- Guest House Rooms Advance Booking
- Approval & Confirmation to Guest
- Bulk Booking
- Guest Check-in & Check-out
- Billing & Receipt of Payments
- Seminar Hall Booking
- Report Generation
Legal Matter Module
- Maintains & Searches Legal Records
- Define Courts & Cases
- Case Progress Entry on Each Court Date
- Legal Matter Reports and Online Search
Engineering Unit
- Construction Work Management
- Cost Estimation Work using PWD/CPWD Datasheet
- Inviting Quotations/Tenders
- Work Allotment to Contractors & Signing Agreement
- Work Monitoring & Stage Certificates
- Part Payment Calculation & Release
- Tax Deductions, Final Settlement & Certification
How does MasterSoft help in University Management System ?

MasterSoft is the most trusted ERP provider company offering solutions in all aspects of education beginning from admissions to accreditation. The software is equipped with rich features and the latest technology to smoothen the management and learning processes of the institute.
The University Administration and Information Management System manages all the university activities and stores the entire data centrally. The system can be accessible to every department and institute of the university on restricted login. The software is safe on a cloud platform with secure backup.